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Who developed the product/software?

  • Sunil Kripalani
  • Lindsay Mayberry
  • Chandra Osborn
  • Kenneth Wallston
  • Jeffrey Gonzalez

How is this product/software different from other similar tools?

The ARMS-D has been validated against another commonly used (and validated) measure, the Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities

Is there a peer reviewed publication that describes the product/software?

Mayberry LS, Gonzalez JS, Wallston KA, Kripalani S, Osborn CY. The ARMS-D outperforms the SDSCA, but both are reliable, valid, and predict glycemic control. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2013; 102(2); 96-401

How does the product/software work?

Instructions on how to administer the ARMS-D are included with the download package and additional details are available in the peer-reviewed publication above